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events calendar

RRYFC snack fund drive

sunday, march 9-30
east or west foyers 

The Faithbridge Mission Team is sponsoring a Snack Fund Drive for Red River Youth for Christ. Bring snack size packages to the East or West Foyer basket to help supply Youth for Christ with treats for the teens who memorize scripture! 

griefshare (13-week session)

saturdays through april 12
faithbridge church | chapel
10 aM to noon

GriefShare (13 week session) starts at 10:00 am on Saturdays in the Chapel. Each session is stand alone, so you can join at any time. 

newcomers brunch

sunday, march 30
fellowship hall 
9:30 am

Tracee will be hosting a Newcomers Brunch on Sunday, March 30th in the Fellowship Hall for those who are new to the church in the last 6 months. Come ask questions and fellowship with some of the staff and other “new” people. 


next meeting | tuesday, april 1
Faithbridge Fellowship Hall
9:00-11:00 am

MomCo (formally MOPS) meets on the 1st and 3rd (see schedule for a few variations) Tuesday of the month at 9:00 am. Ladies can register below to attend! Click Here for more information and the 2024/2025 meeting dates.


6:55 PM

AWANA is for children ages 2 Years before Kindergarten through 6th grade. Register your kids by clicking on the “Register Here” link in the slide below. We are excited for your kids to come to AWANA and learn about God’s love for them! 

awana 2024/2025

Ages 3 (2 Yrs Before K) – 6th grade
registration below!

Register your children for AWANA 2024/2025 from the link below. You will have to create an account when registering unless you attend Faithbridge and already have a KidCheck account. Call the church office if you have any questions!

faith student ministries

upper room
7:00 PM

FSM for 7th-12th graders meets on Wednesday nights in the Upper Room for a time of learning, games, small groups and worship. Join us and bring a friend!

faithbridge address directory

updates? new attender?
fill out form below

If you would like to be included in the 2026 printing of our Address Directory or if you have additions/changes to your current listing (new baby? new address? new phone?) fill out the form below. We welcome all regular, occasional and seasonal attenders to be a part of this helpful publication!



Registration is Open for Summer Camp at Camp Lebanon. Scholarships will be available from Faithbridge for those youth who attend Faithbridge Church and want to go to camp. A code will be given to you to use on the Camp Lebanon site after the “Scholarship Form” below is filled out. Please fill out a form for every child and submit it! 

scholarship fund for summit ministries

sundays | office hours
east foyer kiosk

Cards and 2025 Calendars are available to purchase from the East Foyer Kiosk on Sundays or during the week to help support the Faithbridge Scholarship Fund for our youth who would like to attend Summit Ministries in Colorado. More details are located on the sign above the kiosk. Cards are $10.00 and 2025 Calendars are on SALE for $5.00.


Date Coming Soon

If you would like to be baptized at our next baptism service or you would like more information about what it means to be baptized, sign up below.   …

awana volunteers

September 11-april 30
faithbridge campus
6:55 pm to 8:30 pm

Volunteers are needed for AWANA 2024/2025! Sign up below to join the team as a Leader or Listener

If you have any questions or would like to get connected at faithbridge, please don’t hesitate to contact us!  We’d love to connect with you!  reach us AT 218.732.1404 OR OFFICE@FAITHBRIDGEPR.ORG.

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