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missions ministry

A missions trip seems out of reach for many of us. But here are five ways to be missionally minded anywhere and all the time.

  • Look at people with eternity in mind.  We need to see people as God does and care for them like it counts.
  • Show some hospitality. Believers should be the people that everyone else wants to be around. Remember, you’re the ambassador for Christ, so get into the lives of people living outside the kingdom.
  • Watch for a chance to serve. People give away all of their energy on family, work and menial chores. Look for ways that you can care for your neighbors – even if it is just cooking a simple dinner for them.
  • Visit someone new. Look around and find someone who needs a friend. Maybe it’s visiting in a nursing home, or visiting with an elderly person who can’t get out, or rocking babies in the NICU (or nursery). Make your days count with people who feel they don’t.
  • Love like Jesus. He lived a robust life of caring for the lost.  He did it by meeting their needs and telling them the truth.

Taken from LifeWay, “Biblical Solutions for Life”.


Since 2006, individuals have served in the following Countries:
Africa  |  Alaska  |  Argentina  |  Brazil  |  Dominican Republic  |  England  |  Guatemala  |  Haiti  |  India  |  Ireland  |  Italy  |  Jamaica  |  Kenya  |  Mexico  |  Spain  |  Thailand

Adult Mission Teams have Served in:
Africa  |  Alaska  |  Canada  |  Dominican Republic  |  England  |  Guatemala  |  Finland  |  Italy  |  Minneapolis  |  Mokahum  |  Poland

Faith Student Ministries Youth have Served in:
Appalachia  |  Alaska  | Canada  |  Chicago  |  Colorado  |  Duluth  |  Hawaii  |  Mexico  |  Minneapolis  |  Montana  |  West Virginia

Pastor Juan & Elena Felipe

Damos la bienvenida a nuestros amigos de habla hispana a los servicios que se llevan a cabo todos los domingos a las 4:30 p.m. en el edificio de la capilla de Faithbridge Church.

MEET OUR missionaries
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Danielle (Hill) Beyer
Red River Youth for Christ

Special Projects Coordinator with Red River Youth for Christ.

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Mike & Sherry Borstad
Argentina with Cardon Ministries

Leadership development in NW Argentina, especially rural church seminars, mentoring long distance and on-site.

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N & J
Serving in the 10/40 Window

Training Nationals to plant healthy churches (Bible college & seminary, internship program, conferences, orphan care).

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Mark & Hannele Erickson
Finland with YWAM

Bringing His healing to the nations.

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Juan & Elena Felipe

Hispanic ministry held at Faithbridge Church.

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Karen Hoglund
Uganda with WorldVenture

Coordinating short-term teams and mentoring mid-term missionaries in Uganda.

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Bill and Cindy Hoppe
MN & WI with AWANA

Missionaries to East, North Central and NE Minnesota and Northwest Wisconsin.

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Paul & Gloria Mitchell
Mokahum Ministry Center

Director of the Mokahum Ministry Center.

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Larry & Jane Parks
Spain with ABWE

Church planting and working with local believers in outreach ministries to the community.

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Dan & Esther Penney
Senegal with WorldVenture

Church planting and directorship of IED (Institute Evangelical of Dakar), a seminary for local believers. Currently working in the WorldVenture office helping streamline finances distributed to missionaries.

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Ken & Lorelei Polley
Ministry Developers Network

Ken: Church intervention and development, mentoring Pastors and ministry leaders. Lorelei: STS Trainer (oral inductive Bible Study) and discipleship of women.

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Luke & Kristina Schmoll
Minnesota with CRU

University of Minnesota Campus outreach ministry & Regional Financial Director.

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K & L
East Asia

Reaching out in East Asia through personal interaction and English language studies.

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Paul & Michele Straubel
Oak Hills Christian College

Director of the Center for Indian Ministries.

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Greg & Asa Swenson
Japan with WorldVenture

Serving in evanglism, discipleship and worship ministries in partnership with the church in Japan.

other supported ministries
  • Venture Church Network Midwest
  • Venture Church Network
  • Mokahum Ministry Center (Cass Lake)
  • Our Daily Bread Ministries
  • Pregnancy Resource Center, Park Rapids, MN
  • Sisters of Hope International
  • WorldVenture Good Samaritan Fund
prayerfully supported missionaries
  • All Former and Currently Supported Missionaries
If you have any questions or would like to get connected in one or more of our ministries, please don’t hesitate to contact us!  We’d love to connect with you!  CONTACT US AT 218.732.1404 OR OFFICE@FAITHBRIDGEPR.ORG.

Copyright © 2021 Faithbridge Church